WEIGHING IN – How To Calculate Your Pig’s Weight 

Chances are if you own a pig you are well aware of one of the number one health problems that they can face: obesity.

Being overweight can lead to numerous conditions that can shorten their life span significantly. Obesity can lead to health problems such as: arthritis, lameness, heart issues, fat related blindness and hearing loss, breathing difficulties, behavioural issues, skin conditions, kidney disease, and more. This is why it is important to keep a keen eye on their size and to be able to trend and monitor their weight if needed.  

So how do you attain your pet’s weight in the comfort of your own home?

Well, depending on the age and size of your pig, there is always the method of using your household scale and weighing them while holding them. To do this, simply weigh yourself while holding your pig and write down the number of the two of you combined. Then, weigh yourself alone and subtract that amount from the previous number (your combined weight) to calculate your pig’s weight. Ensure you note what units your scale is set to (pounds or kilograms). 

Unfortunately, as we all know, they don’t tend to stay little for long and some pigs simply don’t tolerate being picked up and carried in the first place. If this is the case for you, there is a second method that avoids causing a stressful situation for both you and your pet. This method simply requires a measuring tape and some math!

Similar to a clothing fitting, you will need to obtain your pig’s measurements; specifically their length and their girth.

Length refers to the distance between the base of their ear to the base of their tail.

Girth refers to the circumference (or distance) around your pig’s chest, measured directly behind their front legs. By obtaining these measurements in inches and using the following equation, you should be able to calculate the approximate weight of your pig in pounds! 


Ensuring that your pig is maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important and we highly recommend checking your pet’s weight regularly.

This allows you to have a thorough discussion during veterinarian visits and also works as a preventative from your pig becoming overweight in the first place; because let’s be honest, no one enjoys being on a diet.

If you have any concerns or questions involving your pet’s diet or their size, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or your veterinarian. 

Last updated on December 18th, 2022.