Resources for Management and Veterinary Care for hobby farms, sanctuaries and companion large animals 

 Due to the veterinary shortage, we understand that it will be difficult to find a vet, particularly for folks with small farms or less commonly encountered animals. While you work towards finding a vet, it can be difficult to find trusted sources of information for your animals. 

To help with this process, please consider using these resources to help with management, husbandry and medical assessment and treatment of your animals. 

Please note that the resources contain information on using over the counter and on prescription products. You should work with a veterinarian for advice and for specific instructions on medications. 

If you are using these resources without veterinarian oversight and involvement (medical examination, diagnostics, and specific prescriptions, interpretation of exam and diagnostics findings and treatments for specific animals), you alone are accountable for the outcome of those actions. We realize that there is a severe veterinary shortage and we have put together resources to help, even though they are not a substitute to in person medical care for a vet. 

 For Camelids: 

4th Edition of the Alpaca Field Manual by Dr. Norm Evans

 Camelid Companion Book 

This is essential reading for folks with alpacas – great information about how to work with them in a calm safe manner to build trust and rapport.

Camelid Cabinet

Gives information about estimating weight, giving injections and how to use common prescription and over the counter products (including drug doses).

 Alpaca Ontario

Consider joining Alpaca Ontario and you will join a network of experience alpaca owners that can help with questions you may have, especially related to husbandry, nutrition and first aid. 

For Chickens:

Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Demerow 

This is for small flocks and pet chickens, Excellent information with diagrams. Provides options for home remedies and give advice on when you should call a vet too.

For Pigs:

Merck Vet Manual

Focused on husbandry, training and some information on common illness and vaccinations needed.

Potbellied Pig Veterinary Manual by Kristi Mozzachio 

This is for veterinarians but provides a lot of good information and pictures about common issues with pot bellied pigs.

National Mini Pig Groups

LaFeber Vet:

British Columbia Small Lots Pork Producer Resource Manual 

Contains excellent information in an accessible format with great diagrams. The focus is on management and production.

Canadian Small Scale Pig Farming Manual 


Toxic plant – pigweed, black night shade, cocklebur 

Links to youtube videos showing production skills 

Good picture showing lots of options 

Good information on needle sizes + vaccination plan

For Sheep and Goats:

Maryland Small Ruminant Page 

Great info graphics on common issues and management. Many articles covering a wide variety of different topics: Nutrition, diseases, management, etc. Also contains spreadsheets for farm and business management.

Ontario Sheep Farmers 

Great Parasite handbook. Covers types of parasites, parasite life cycles, fecal testing, clinical changes associated with parasites, worm medications, etc.

Ontario Goat 

Assessing kid health 

Dealing with hypothermia and hypoglycemia in kids 

Due date calculator 

Good tips on biosecurity

Government of BC guide to flock health 

Discusses multiple aspects of breeding

In depth birthing assistance guide 

Reproductive goals (pregnancy rates, birthing rates, mortalities)

Gold Coast Veterinary Service and Consulting Youtube channel 

Great videos on how to help with birthing, pain management and common small ruminants disease like CAE, CL and Johnes.

For All Species

Vanderplan consulting 

You can subscribe monthly to online service that shows videos of common practical techniques such as giving oral medication, giving injections, assessing an animal’s health status, how to put a halter on, castration, vaccination needs, virtual workshop on fecal worm egg testing. 

Often, they have sales on virtual workshops and “how-to” video series.

Last updated on August 8th, 2023.